
A Course in Linguistics(16K), 鍾榮富, 9789863181460, 寂天文化 , 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,

近年來22K與低薪成為年輕世代就業熱門關鍵字,傳統的成功定義成為遙不可及的夢想,如果你覺得自己一整天累得像狗一樣,你真是誤會大了,狗都沒你這麼累,人生是一場不斷冒險的旅程,還不趕快先惡補生存交戰閱讀指南,跳脫框框,能讓你的視野更開闊,夢想不遠,廢柴也能出頭天!從閱讀建立自我的價值觀,衝破魯蛇框架,走出自己人生的一片天。今天,在這兒跟各位推薦一本好書:A Course in Linguistics(16K)


A Course in Linguistics(16K),作者:鍾榮富,出版社:寂天文化,ISBN:9789863181460


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有關A Course in Linguistics(16K)的詳細介紹如下:

A Course in Linguistics(16K),作者:鍾榮富,出版社:寂天文化,ISBN:9789863181460

《A Course in Linguistics(16K)》


有鑑於此,本書特地以時下國內外通行的語言學理論為本,並且以國語、閩南語、客家語、原住民語(布農、泰雅)的語料與應用為實際分析案例,簡明扼要地 探索語言知識(linguistic competence)和語用知識(pragmatic competence)的內涵,並分析兩者之間的互動。

對於英語學習者而言,掌握英語語言學固然是焦點,但如果也能把相關理論應用在台灣的語言上做分析與研究,那麼不但能達到理論與經驗交熔的理想,也能讓 學習者瞭解將理論付諸應用的可行性。本書兼顧理論與語料分析,期望透過「做中學」的方式,能協助學習者解除心理的恐懼與障礙。希望本書能成為與語言相關科 系(如英語教學、華語教學、溝通障礙、聽力治療)的墊基教科書。


This accessible textbook provides beginners of linguistics with a step-by-step guide to the world of linguistics in general. Most of the data are based on English, Mandarin Chinese, Southern Min, Hakka, and Formosan languages. The essential motivation is to arm students with basic knowledge of languages in Taiwan when they are taught how to investigate properties of English linguistics. Designed for beginners, A Course in Linguistics equips learners with enough empirical data to illustrate each terminology together with the fundamental theories that underline it. This book was written with an attempt to combine theory and practice, achieving the goal of learning through doing linguistics. It was set to solve the difficulties or problems of which most Taiwanese students are afraid, and hence to become a leading text for the introductory courses.

• Accessibly written, and assumes little backgrounds for linguistics
• In a brief and precise style, specifically for EFL students
• Learning by doing, and hence providing a review for each topic
• Rich in concrete illustration based on data familiar to learners
• Well-organized in writing, equipping learners with critical reasoning
• Trying to teach or help instead of reshaping learners in thinking

A Course in Linguistics(16K),作者:鍾榮富,出版社:寂天文化,ISBN:9789863181460
